Introduction: Achieving a natural balance
Part 1: The foundations of good health
Relaxation, mood, and sleep
Digestion and elimination
Detoxification: cleanup time!
Part 2: Going deeper and tying it together
The immune system: tending your inner army
The respiratory system: breathing deeply
Blood sugar: not too sweet
The cardiovascular system: your body's superhighway
Memory and cognition: sharpening your mind
Managing pain: listening to your taskmaster
The thyroid: butterfly in balance
Your skin and connective tissue: keepin' it together
Reproductive vitality: the canary in the coal mine
Longevity and vitality: aging gracefully
Children and animals: herbal medicine for the whole family
Part 3: Buying and making herbal remedies
Harvesting, buying, storing, and using herbs
Appendix I: the Latin names of herbs