From the Book - First edition.
A note on sources. Prologue: Senator Cathedral. (Part one: If I make no mark elsewhere, 1924-1975): Happier times
The finest diction in the army
If you don't run you will never get there
War prolonged and unending
As long as the KGB does it
This will cost you the presidency. (Part two: We doubt that any other country would have the courage, 1975): A delicate balance
Like what? Like assassinations.
I had been asked by my government to solicit his cooperation
Who will rid me of this man?
The White House, can I help you?
We met your man in the Congo
What the president wanted to happen
The abyss from which there is no return
The man who made a police state out of America
No holds were barred. (Part three: A volcano cannot be capped, 1975-1984): Vindicated and pleased
As dangerous as any stimulant
One more service to render
I see you have a presidential haircut
I've got to do it. Epilogue: They did great damage. Acknowledgments