1. Our energy choices. Just the beginning ; Energy survival plan ; Our energy dilemma ; Our energy options ; Renewables ; Other strategies ; Conservation
2. Solar energy. Solar energy strategies ; Cooperative or community systems
3. Wind power. The winds of change ; A long way ; Location, location, location ; Another model ; Denmark: a cooperative effort ; Germany ; Sweden ; United Kingdom ; United States ; Canada
4. Water power. Winooski One ; Hydropower 101 ; Recent hydro developments ; Small hydro ; Micro-hydro ; Ocean energy ; Future prospects
5. Biomass. Biomass 101 ; Biomass heat ; Biopower ; Biogas ; Combined heat and power ; A biogas-powered train
6. Liquid biofuels. Biofuels history ; Biofuels 101 ; Ethanol ; Biodiesel ; Straight veg
7. Geothermal. High-temperature geothermal ; Low-temperature geothermal ; Final thoughts
8. The community solution. The big picture ; Community-supported energy ; Groups that get it ; Barriers to progress ; Changing the model, changing the debate ; The wrong solutions ; Security and opportunity
Organizations and online resources