Part I. An Introduction to Outcome Planning and Evaluation in Youth Services
Thinking about Planning in Times of Change
Involving Youth in Outcome Planning and Evaluation
Defining "Outcomes" and OBPE
Designing the OBPE Project
Part II. The Five-Step OBPE Model
Step 1: Gathering Information
Step 2: Determining Outcomes
Step 3: Developing Programs and Services
Step 4: Conducting Evaluations
Step 5: Leveraging the Library's Role
Conclusion: And Finally ...
Appendix A. Environmental Scan External (Community) Factors
Appendix B. Blank OBPE Project Planning Template
Appendix C. Gannt Chart Example: Books and Bites Community Garden Time Line
Appendix D. Environmental Scan Internal (Library) Factors
Appendix E. Books and Bites Sample Family Storytime Programs.