King Lear / by A.C. Bradley
King Lear and the comedy of the grotesque / by G. Wilson Knight
Edmund and the two natures / by John F. Danby
The world of King Lear / by Maynard Mack
The avoidance of love / by Stanley Cavell
Lear's theatre poetry / by Marvin Rosenberg
On the greatness of King Lear / by Stephen Booth
On character / Maynard Mack
On Edgar's character / S.L. Goldberg
On splitting in characterization / Maud Bodkin
On Christianity and the family : tragedy of the sacred / C.L. Barker
On Christian values / Kenneth Muir
On Lear and Job / Ruth Nevo
On the fool / L.C. Knights
On Edgar : delusion as resolution / Phyllis Rackin
On moral structure vs. experience / Nicholas Brooke.