Introduction / Edwin Williamson --
1. Philosophy and fiction / Clive Griffin --
2. Science and mathematics in a literary mode / Floyd Merrell --
3. Borges and theory / Michael Wood --
4. Borges on translation / Suzanne Jill Levine --
5. Jewish, Christian and Gnostic themes / Evelyn Fishburn --
6. Islamic themes / Luce López-Baralt --
7. Borges and popular culture / Philip Swanson --
8. Post-colonial Borges / Robin Fiddian --
9. Fictions / Daniel Balderston --
10. The Aleph / Roberto González Echevarría --
11. The Maker / Alfred MacAdam --
12. Brodie's report / Arturo Echavarría --
13. The Book of Sand and Shakespeare's memory / Efraín Kristal --
14. The early poetry (1923-1929) / Rafael Olea Franco --
15. The late poetry (1960-1985) / Jason Wilson --
16. Borges in context: the autobiographical dimension / Edwin Williamson.