From the Book - 7th edition.
pt. 1. Getting started with everything grants. Grantwriting basics for beginners ; Preparing for successful grantseeking ; Understanding grantmaking entities expectations
pt. 2. Researching grantfunding opportunities. Venturing into public-sector grants ; Navigating the federal grant submission portals ; Researching potential private-sector funders ; Finding legitimate grants for individuals and businesses ; Finding grants for academia and fellowships ; Identifying funds for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
pt. 3. Maximizing your chances of winning a grant award. Finding federal grant opportunities that fit your needs ; Winning with peer review scoring factors ; Resuscitating your writing
pt. 4. Following the funder's guidelines. Preparing preliminary documents ; Developing the organizational history and capability boiler plate narrative ; Validating your needs with a compelling narrative ; Incorporating best practices to build the program design narrative ; Creating a budget that includes all the funding you need
pt. 5. Triple-checking your application, submitting, and following up. Checking off the mandatory requirements for compliance ; Knowing what to do after submitting your application ; Winning or losing: what's next? ; Requesting matching funds and other goodies from corporate grantmakers
pt. 6. The part of tens. Ten e-grant tips ; Ten stops to making grant writing your career ; Ten ways to continue being viewed as a grant professional.